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December 26, 2006


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Bridgette L. Rallo

Even more exciting than figuring out what layers exist in a completed painting is seeing the artist apply those layers...my husband, Harry, is a professional oil painter and I still get chills watching him paint layer after layer of different thicknesses of paint and color and seeing the resulting changes. It's truly amazing.
For those of us who work in PMC, layering is a different but no less satisfying art. I layer background texture, surface texture, stone color and patina color, and I'm just expanding into enamel and layered metals for more texture and color. It's a never-ending fascination.

Laura Wesley

Hi Judy,

Welcome to the world of blog. You think you are new? This is my first time too!

My first memory of "doing" art was when I was a small child of say, 7 years old. I had overheard conversations with my parents and some of their "arty" friends about a flower show. It was to contain only local, native plants. Well, got inspired and found one of my mother's old, handpainted quail sculptures that had a hollow back for use as a vase. I went out and collected what I called "clock weed". I still don't know the actual name of the plant, but when you picked a stem, wispy tendrils would begin to wind up, like a clock. I put a branch or two in the quail and gave it to may parents to enter in the "contest". I won first prize. I was astonished and overwhelmed at such a young age. My parents were very proud.

I grew up in the very "arty" community, of Ojai, California. After winning the "contest", I was invited by many artists in town to drop by their studios and have fun. Beatrice Woods, my neighbor, was my favorite. Very eclectic hardly seems to do her justice. Her ceramics were beyond belief. I recently saw a documentary about her on PBS, and yes, her ceramics were still just as amazing as I remembered them.

I remember seeing so many unusual studios. Walls made from glass bottles, weird plants, sculptures and paintings that were beyond description.

I was fascinated and hooked. I drew, created, wrote and illustrated books, and was at the library constantly. The most memorable thing I learned through my childhood was not just to "look", but to "see". I haven't stopped looking and seeing details in the ordinary and unusual since.

In my mind's eye, I can create anything I want, but in actuality, I very seldom accomplish it. It stills give me joy every day to think of the possibilities.

Thanks, Judy, for starting this blog. I really look forward to it.


Greg O'Donnell


Nice blog! That is very cool seeing underneath the Guitarist painting. I wonder how much older the other two paintings were. Thanks for sharing.


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