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February 14, 2007


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Bridgette L. Rallo

I don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't been taken when buying stones...I've had several MEMORABLE experiences over the years, especally with turquoise when I was starting out in the early seventies.
Also, here's a warning: EBay really isn't the place to buy stones, even though I know plenty of jewelers out there who buy from EBay sellers. The stones are rarely what they seem to be. The only exception I've seen is for opal rough...I've got a friend who buys it all the time on EBay and has done well there.
If you want a bargain, try garage sales. Sometimes, there's a great piece for sale in an old or broken setting that turns out to be a real find.
Learning what is and is not a good stone starts with buying from reputable dealers and then comparing what they sell you with what other people try to sell you. And, if you read up a little on stones you like before you begin buying, you'll be w-a-a-y ahead of the game.

Robyn Hawk

Very smart and well written - I just returned from Tucson and I couldn't agree more with the need to do your homework prior to going into a Gem Show setting...it saves a lot of embarassment. Check out my blog on my Yahoo 360 page, for Part I of my Tucson Report.


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