Butterfly Jasper is a stone that is mined in Mexico. It is called butterfly or sometimes butterfly wing because the patterning of the stone resembles that of butterfly wings.
It is a brecciated jasper, which means that as it was forming it broke up into a series of fragments which then healed together producing an abstract pattern.
Like other jaspers, Butterfly Jasper is a microcrystalline form of quartz, with the Mohs hardness of 6.
The colors in the stone vary considerably. Some stones have predominantly blues and browns, others have browns and yellows, and some stones include red.
From a metaphysical standpoint, jaspers are said to promote stability, comfort, strength, and security.
Butterfly jaspers are said to have an additional element in a metaphysical sense. Like the butterflies that they are named after, butterfly jaspers are said to make the soul feel free and light, and are said to let the imagination soar to new heights.
We have a number of Butterfly Jasper cabochons on our Heart of Stone Studio website, www.heartofstonestudio.com.